I think I must be doing pretty good on the 4th floor because Dr. Payton asked if he could have a meeting with me today. I am not really sure what Dr Payton does, but he must be important because whenever he talks during "rounds" the other 10 doctors write down every word he says. I red his bio on the internet and it is has a lot of big words(
Anyway, he gave me my medical report card today;
Weight...up 0.3 oz over my birthday...A
Heart/Lungs...heart pumps a lot of blood because my face turn red when I cry, and I can cry loud if you don't feed me on time...A
Hand/Eye Cooridination...I just figured out yesterday that if I hang out with mommy at the right time, I can eat as much as I want without even warming up a bottle...pretty cool...A
Hair...needs improvement...i have lots of it, but mom says i need to comb it more often, otherwise it will look like dad's on the weekend...C
Despite the one "C", it must be a good report card because Dr Payton said I can go home with Mom and Dad over the weekend!! Next stop - Redondo Beach!