Sunday, December 27, 2009

Letter from Santa...

So I still haven't met this Santa Clause guy, but he did leave me a letter and a couple presents on xmas morning. I don't read quite so well yet, so Grandpa Cortez had to read the letter to me (basically it says I was good kid this year, all 2 months!)....

After presents, Mommy and Daddy got dressed up to go to Mass and to have tamales with the family, but Dad ate so many that he fell asleep!

Got my tree, got my stocking....

So this whole xmas thing is really confusing....Apparently every house gets a tree and puts ornaments on it...Here is a picture of Dad and Grandpa Lum with our tree.

Second, every kid on the street gets their own stocking. Here is mine....

But the one thing I can't figure out is who this Santa Clause character is...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What am I thankful for?

I think I was born at the right time of year...November is my birthday and Thanksgiving, December is mom's birthday and X-mas...I had my first Thanksgiving at the house this past weekend. We had a full house, mommy/daddy, two sets of grandparents, uncle Mark, Kate and Jason. Apparently one of the traditions for Thanksgiving is Grandma Cortez goes around the room and asks all the kids in the room what they are thankful for...At our house, I was only the kid, and technically I was sleeping during dinner, so I didn't get a chance to participate, but here I go....I am Thankful for the following;

  • Family - I am not sure how big my family is, but it must be big - I have met my parents, grandparents and everyone that comes over to the house seems to be Auntie or an Uncle. Plus, I think I have a bunch of cousins around my age that I haven't meet yet. I am thankful para mi familia.

  • Health - I am officially up to 6lbs 6oz (born at 5lbs, 3oz). It is really not that hard, the more I hang out w/ mommy the more weight i seem to gain. When I get to 8lbs even, Dad says I can go with him in the back-back (apparently there is 8lbs minimum).

  • Redondo Beach - Although I miss my room with a view of Bloomy's from the Hospital, I am really getting to like my digs in Redondo Beach. I have 3 separate places to sleep (each with my own TV!); a crib in my room, a bassinet in Mom/Dad's room and pack n play downstairs. And each one has a station for my "dirty's"...

Attached are a few pics from the weekend....