Thursday, November 26, 2009

Grandparents Part II

So my second set of Grandparents came by the house today (these are the ones who know Mommy really well). There are staying with us for the next two weeks so I decided to give them room right next to mine...Grandma has been going with Mommy to all my doctor's appointments (sometimes she evens takes notes - I think she is really smart like Mommy) ...Grandpa watches me when Mommy and Grandma go to run errands (and he has even helped out with one 3 am feeding)...But the most exciting party about Grandma and Grandpa Lum is they keep talking about this Red Egg and Ginger Party for me in a couple months. I asked Dad what it was but he didn't know that much so I had to google it ( I have never had an egg or piece of ginger, but the party sounds like a lot of fun!!!! CAN'T WAIT!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Toys, Toys, Toys...(Nov 15th)

The best part about my Redondo Beach digs are all the new toys, although I don't think anyone knows my size yet...Mommy put in a wagon that was way too small. Apparently the wagon came all the way from New York (thank you Angela and Joe!) so maybe it was bigger when it started the trip...

Next daddy and Grandpa Cortez wanted to put me in this pink chair that bounces and plays music. It is a great idea, especially for after dinner, but I think i am going to have to grow into it...

Lastly, I couldn't figure out this other this fish toy that Kate and I were playing with. It kind of look like like a whale, however mommy would only let me sit in it if I was naked! And when i got in she started pouring water all over my head...Note to self - don't play with the whale!

...Grandma and Grandpa Part I (Nov 14th)

...So Saturday morning the doorbell rings and it is two people who kind of look like dad. At first I thought they must be doctors the hospital sent to the house because they kept talking about when dad was born 30 years ago and asking how mommy was feeling. They were a lot of fun; they kept picking me up when I started to cry and they even let me fall asleep on their chest/shoulder while we watched football during the day...After they kept calling daddy "Mi Hijo", I finally figured out who they were.... Grandma and Grandpa!!!! It never really dawned on me that mommy and daddy also have a mommy and daddy, but it turns out they do and they are a lot of fun. Also, if my math is correct, i think i have another grandma and grandpa that know mommy pretty well...And i think they are going to be in town next weekend...Can't wait!!!!

Redondo Beach (Nov 13th)

...So Friday afternoon Mom, Dad and I drove from Cedars to my new digs in Redondo Beach...I was in a hurry to get home so I could check out my new room that I had been hearing about for the past nine months from mommy. The only problem was that daddy was driving so slow and he refused to get on the freeway (something about precious cargo, but I didn't see any diamonds or jewerly in the car) it took us almost 75 mintues to get home!!!! Here is pic of my new room...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

my first report card...(Nov 12, 2009)

I think I must be doing pretty good on the 4th floor because Dr. Payton asked if he could have a meeting with me today. I am not really sure what Dr Payton does, but he must be important because whenever he talks during "rounds" the other 10 doctors write down every word he says. I red his bio on the internet and it is has a lot of big words(
Anyway, he gave me my medical report card today;

Weight...up 0.3 oz over my birthday...A

Heart/Lungs...heart pumps a lot of blood because my face turn red when I cry, and I can cry loud if you don't feed me on time...A

Hand/Eye Cooridination...I just figured out yesterday that if I hang out with mommy at the right time, I can eat as much as I want without even warming up a bottle...pretty cool...A

Hair...needs improvement...i have lots of it, but mom says i need to comb it more often, otherwise it will look like dad's on the weekend...C

Despite the one "C", it must be a good report card because Dr Payton said I can go home with Mom and Dad over the weekend!! Next stop - Redondo Beach!

all my new friends...(week 1)

...So Dad and I went for walk today up to the 4th floor at Cedars. I was a little bummed to leave my party on the 3rd floor, but figured what the heck...Turns out I got invited to another party on the 4th floor (I hate it when my social calendar is double booked!)... I think this is a party for babies who play with their umbilical cord and decided to come out early. I have a really nice team of doctors who stop by every morning and say hello. They call it "rounds", but i can't figure it out because nothing seems to be shaped quite like a circle. In fact, they put me on a really big square scale every morning and get really excited when I gain weight...All in all, it is not a bad set up, I get fed every three hours and between I get a little time for some "shut eye" before they feed me again...Mom and dad spend most of the day here, and today they brought some toys to play with during nap time...

I was born today (Nov 5, 2009)

...So I decided to come into this world 24 days early. I was a little to cramped in my current house....It all started when Mommy and I went for a drive to Cedars today. I like going for drives with mom because she rocks out to the radio and she is always talking to this crazy girl named Furah (can't wait to meet her). I thought we were going for one of our regular doctors appointments, but when we got Cedars everybody was making a big fuss about my umibilical cord. I still don't understand what the fuss was, when you are inside of mommy that cord is the only thing have you to play with. I got my self tied up, and i was going to get myself un-tied until "WHAM!", next thing i know there are lights all around me....I opened my eyes and noticed it was a party. There were 20 people hanging out all wearing the same outfit! My first thought was why would you go to a party and all wear the same thing? That doesn't make a lot of sense. My next thought was I think they all knew each other because they were all talking to one another. The only person that looked confused was the guy standing next to mom. It looked like he just walked into the room in the last two minutes and didn't know what was going on...I winked at him (although the doctor called it a "blink") and he winked back, so I am pretty sure that was dad.